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HSF owns 71 patents, covering natural vitamin E, phytosterol/ester, algal DHA oil, β-carotene and micro-encapsulation powders and natural colors etc.

National Standard

HSF Biotech participates in drafting the national standards for phytosterol, phytosterol ester and DD oil (the raw material of natural vitamin E).


2016:Awarded Star Enterprise of 2015 by local government
2017:Awarded Leading Enterprise in Industrial Construction by local government
2017:Recognized as Engineering Technology Center by local government
2017:Recognized as Hi-tech company
2018:Recognized as Hi-tech company
2018:Recognized as Innovation R&D Center
2018:Identified as Demonstration Enterprise of Innovation at provincial level
2019:Awarded Top 100 of Xi’an Future Star
2019:Approved with the Research Center on National Key Programs
2020:Second prize of Shaanxi science and Technology Award "Specialization,
2020:refinement, characteristics and novelty" small and medium-sized enterprises in Shaanxi Province
2021:Two national key R & D plans
2021:Shaanxi Gazelle Company (fast-growing entity of agricultural sci-tech)
2022:HSF's lab was awarded as" Research Center of Specilty Edible Oil of Shaanxi Province"
2023:The Shaanxi Province Functional Lipid Biomanufacturing Engineering Research Center was approved
2023:Approved as Synthetic Biology Innovation Center by Shaanxi Province

Certification and qualification
